Minimalism can be a worthwhile lifestyle choice for anyone who seeks to focus on what’s important and get rid of the excess. For those who resonate with this mindset and have often thought about switching to such a lifestyle, downsizing their homes is a great first step. While this decision could be beneficial in various ways, it is particularly helpful for those living in or moving into a tiny home with limited storage space.
Benefits of downsizing
Downsizing, and by extension minimalism, is not limited to getting rid of all the clutter; it is a conscious choice to simplify life, prioritize what truly matters, and stick to a more intentional way of living. Whether downsizing for retirement, other financial reasons, or just simplifying their life—whatever the driving force behind the decision, if done right, one can expect many advantages of living minimally in the long run.
1. Reduces expenses
Living with less would involve making fewer purchases and bringing home fewer things that can be liabilities rather than assets in the future. Additionally, acquiring and holding on to fewer belongings, such as furniture, appliances, home decor, and crockery, would reduce maintenance, repair, and replacement costs. The money saved here can be invested or added to retirement funds.
2. Saves time
While those consciously living with less do not entirely give up on buying things, they tend to buy only things they need. This helps them save the time they would spend cleaning and maintaining those things. They can then use this time to engage in activities they enjoy.
3. Provides peace of mind
Minimalism is also known to promote well-being. The theory behind this belief is that the fewer possessions one has, the less worried one is. A contributing factor here could be the reduced visual clutter, which can also ease one’s mind.
Tips for downsizing a home
Once one has decided to adopt a minimalist lifestyle, they must first create and follow a decluttering checklist. This would cover all the spaces one needs to examine and organize along with the plan for disposing of unnecessary things.
1. Create and stick to a plan
If one starts with a little research and planning, they can determine which downsizing strategies and minimalist home designs work for them. While making this comprehensive plan, one must also set goals to feel accomplished whenever a storage space or room has been organized and decluttered. If downsizing a home with multiple occupants, it is important to plan together so everyone is on the same page.
2. Focus on a room
A crucial tip for creating a minimalist living space is to start small, as it can be difficult to review and get rid of a lot of belongings. For instance, instead of giving the home a complete makeover all at once, one can start with a room. This will help one avoid feeling overwhelmed and giving up on the downsizing.
3. Analyze the possessions
If one is wondering how to live minimally and downsize all possessions in a given space, they can start by assessing a few of them each day. For instance, if one notices that a piece of furniture, appliance, clothing, or anything else in a home is simply occupying space, it might be time to get rid of it. Before that, one can also consider all the ways they can repurpose the object in question to put it to use. If that does not work, one must consider selling it or giving it away to someone who needs it. To make this step simpler, one can set up three piles—keep, discard, and donate. Then, one would have an easier time categorizing the belongings individually and placing them in the most relevant pile.
4. Improve kitchen storage
Often, while downsizing, the kitchen is one of the toughest rooms to clear. This space is crammed with crockery and appliances, some of which are barely ever used. So, organizing this space and improving kitchen storage can be a major step towards leading a minimalist lifestyle. To get started here, one must first get rid of everything they do not use. Then, one can use the storage solutions they have or get rolling carts and floating racks to organize the remaining things. Alternatively, one can use the top of the refrigerator or the space above the cabinets to store things. Installing hanging or wall-mounted racks can also free up the counter space, making the kitchen look clutter-free.
5. Rely on space-saving solutions
Once one has decluttered and reorganized their living space, it is important to keep the space from looking messy again. For this, one can rely on space-saving solutions like using wall-mounted lamps instead of floor and table lamps. Additionally, if moving into a tiny home or just a smaller living space, one can steer clear of uni-functional pieces and instead invest in multifunctional furniture that increases storage space and makes life easier.
Downsizing involves evaluating possessions and habits to determine what adds value and what doesn’t. Through this process, one can reduce waste, hold on to what matters, and create space for meaningful belongings and experiences.