Business12 tips to make a business more sustainable

12 tips to make a business more sustainable


Businesses are among the biggest contributors to environmental damage owing to high energy consumption, employee commuting emissions, and poor waste management practices. That’s why, along with people, companies must also do their part to save the planet. Switching to LEDs and motion sensor lights can help businesses reduce environmental impact. But this is just the starting point. Organizations can do much more to become sustainable in the long term while still being profitable.

Approve hybrid work plans

People often travel by cars and motorcycles to work, which increases air pollution. One solution to this problem is introducing a hybrid work model, allowing employees to work from home a few days a week. Hybrid work will save employees from making unnecessary daily commutes, and a reduced number of journeys to the office will, in turn, lower the organization’s carbon footprint. Allowing the staff to work from home occasionally will also promote work-life balance. As a result, employees will be more productive during work hours and drive up profits. All in all, a hybrid work model is a win-win for everyone—the employee, the business, and the environment.

Introduce commuting schemes

If a hybrid work plan is not possible, another way to make a business environmentally sustainable is to introduce an eco-friendly commuting scheme. For instance, the organization can encourage employees to use public transport to get to work. Public transport like buses and trains lowers the emission of harmful gases and helps keep pollution levels in check. People walking or cycling to the office can also be given special incentives. Commuting schemes are among the most simple yet effective sustainable business strategies.

Start a car sharing program

Companies can also encourage their employees to share a car to work. Fewer cars on the road mean decreased carbon emission and traffic congestion. Car sharing programs let others know that the company is serious about sustainability and is making efforts to make the organization more eco-friendly. 

Have virtual meetings

Business managers often have meetings with clients, which requires both parties to commute to a pre-decided venue. To prevent air pollution, the meeting can be held virtually using a video conferencing platform. Hybrid meetings, like in-person meetings, allow collaboration while saving the planet and reducing time and effort. It is a sustainable business practice that both big and small companies can adopt.

Install sustainable plumbing

Installing pressure-reducing valves and low-flow toilets can help save water in an office. While changing the plumbing system may require a significant investment, the benefit is incomparable. Many contractors offer modern, eco-friendly plumbing solutions, so finding someone to take up the project should be easy.

Start rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting involves collecting and storing rainwater in tanks. It is a great way for companies to promote sustainability efforts in the workplace. The water can be used for several purposes, such as cleaning the workplace, refilling flush tanks, or watering plants in the compound. Rainwater harvesting systems can lower the strain a workplace puts on public water supply chains. It can limit water consumption and save the company from a hefty utility bill.

Reduce and manage waste

Workplaces generate huge amounts of waste in the form of paper and plastic. This waste can harm the environment if not managed and disposed of correctly. A particular green business solution to reduce waste is providing the staff with reusable mugs and cutlery. Plastic stir-sticks and straws can also be replaced with biodegradable options.

Try office composting

Workplaces that have kitchens or cafeterias generate significant amounts of food waste. Turning this wet waste into compost is a great way to implement sustainability in the business and reduce its carbon footprint. Businesses can start by encouraging employees to dispose of food waste in composting bins. The waste collected can then be added to local composting piles, where it is converted into fertilizer. If not segregated properly, waste is generally taken to landfills, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Office composting programs save the environment from land, air, and water pollution.

Approach local vendors for supplies

When companies buy office and kitchen supplies from local providers, it eliminates the need for transportation, helping reduce air pollution. Purchasing locally also helps keep costs low, boosts the local economy, and develops a stronger community. If buying products from another country or state is necessary, businesses can at least order in bulk to reduce transportation emissions.

Consider green website hosting

Businesses trying to advance their practices towards sustainability can commit to green website hosting. It involves working with web hosting providers who use renewable energy sources. For instance, businesses can look for hosts that use wind or solar energy to source electricity for web servers. It is a substantially better choice for the environment and is also more cost-effective for the companies.

Use renewable energy solutions

Companies should invest in renewable energy sources to lower their carbon footprint. Some leading companies have taken leaps in this direction, winning people’s appreciation worldwide. A few have also made efforts to turn themselves carbon neutral. Companies can invest in wind turbines and solar panels or just find a power supplier who generates energy from these sources.

Educate employees

Businesses must educate their employees about sustainability practices via training sessions. Waste management and water conservation are two important topics that can be covered. Educating the employees about the best practices will help them make more sustainable choices both at work and at home.


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