Finance9 energy-saving tips that help reduce utility bills

9 energy-saving tips that help reduce utility bills


An average American household pays about $144 for using 855 kWh of electricity monthly, more than $1,500 annually. But, some households might exceed the average costs, substantially cutting into their annual budgets. To prevent this situation, people can learn and implement some effective tips and ideas that can help them save on their utility bills over a period of time. Easy, everyday practices or adjustments can save hundreds of dollars annually.

Control the thermostat

Heating and air conditioning are the primary sources of energy consumption in a home. Lowering the temperature on the thermostat by a few degrees for 7 to 8 hours a day can make a significant difference in utility bills. One can adjust the temperature when leaving the house and set it back to the desired temperature when back home. Alternatively, one can consider investing in a smart programmable thermostat to make the most savings. These energy-efficient appliances can be programmed to lower and raise the temperature as desired, eliminating the hassle of manual adjustments each time. 

Cool the water heater

Most people are unaware that they have the ability to control their water heaters and adjust the temperature settings according to their preferences. As a result, they end up spending a higher amount on their utility bills. Most water heaters are set to a default temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit, which is higher than what is typically needed for everyday use. Additionally, washing machines and dishwashers with individual heating systems can control the water temperature. By resetting the temperature, one can make these appliances more energy-efficient and potentially lower energy costs.

Utilize the night time

Electricity usage varies between peak and non-peak hours. Most electricity companies charge homeowners more when they consume power during peak times. Commonly, the evening hours, when people return home from work, are the periods of highest demand. To save on high electricity bills, try to avoid doing laundry or running the dishwasher during this time. While completing these chores at night can be inconvenient, it can result in significant savings. Consider running the washing machine and dishwasher at night and emptying them in the morning. Before deciding alternate times for these tasks, check the local electricity companies’ records for their peak usage hours.

Maintain the HVAC air filters

To maintain a long-lasting HVAC system, it is essential to periodically replace the air filters. Doing so can lead to lower electricity bills, save money, and ensure the HVAC system operates more efficiently than ever. It is understandable if one finds it hard to keep track of all necessary replacements, but this simple task can result in significant savings in the long run. One can either set a reminder in their calenders or speak to a professional service provider to handle regular filter replacements.

Cold water laundry

Washing clothes with cold water can also be a great way to cut back on utility bills. A significant amount of electricity used by a washing machine goes into heating up the water. So, instead of using hot water, try using warm or cold water on laundry days. This change can make the clothes last longer while still providing similar cleaning results. Unless one is washing heavily soiled sheets and towels, it is best to stick to this cold water temperature. 

Choose solar options

As many already know, green building practices can help save dollars on utility bills. Individuals who utilize solar panels or smart solar appliances may also qualify for renewable energy incentives. Small changes, such as installing solar lights in the backyard or on the porch, can also make a difference in the amount of energy consumed. It is not necessary to invest in expensive solar panels to generate electricity for all household appliances. One can start small by purchasing solar-powered lights. There are even solar-powered chargers available that can supply enough energy to charge electric devices and equipment, or electric vehicles. These solutions can greatly contribute to effective home energy management and lower monthly utility expenses.  

Check for leaks

Leakages, whether air or water, can end up increasing utility bills without one even realizing it. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check for leaks or fixtures. Pay attention to any whistling or whooshing sounds near the windows and the front door, as these can indicate air leaks. A damper fireplace may also suggest a leak. 

Sealing the leaks with some weather strips is an affordable and simple solution. Similarly, inspect for any leaks in pipes or taps. Ensure there is no dripping water or other issues with the plumbing. If one finds any issues, address them as soon as possible, as they can cause more damage than just raising the bill amounts.

Close the blinds

Leaving doors or blinds open when the AC is running can also increase the electricity bill. The same principle applies when using a furnace to warm up the house during the colder months. Keeping the blinds closed when the sun is shining bright outside can keep the house from getting too warm. Similarly, ensuring the doors and windows remain closed will help retain the cool air indoors. If one wants to further improve energy efficiency, one can consider installing energy-efficient windows that can help save energy with minimal effort. 

Clean the lint trap

Cleaning the lint trap after every use can be a lot safer and energy-efficient at the same time. This simple practice not only helps dry clothes faster but also reduces the energy utilization of the appliance. Moreover, regular cleaning of the lint traps significantly lowers the risk of dryer fires.

To determine the right amount of utility usage, it is best to conduct a home energy audit. This audit provides a clearer understanding of energy consumption, highlights areas where one can cut down on usage, and outlines steps to reduce utility bills. Free online audit tools can assist one in performing this assessment.


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